Let's Grow This Thing!
Anthony McAvoy's Page
Anthony McAvoy's Page
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000
$4,508.00 raised by 34 donors
$4,508.00 raised by 34 donors

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Recent contributors

34 donations have been made to this participant.
Andy Warden
Janice & Calvin Massie
Allen Saunders
Randal Nixon
Christian DePaul
Andrew VanAtta
Ron Blackwood
David Garrard
Don Morgan
David Hafey
John Carrington
Richard Tolley
Wes May
Joyce Doss
Wanda Hicks
Brian Moore
Wes May
George Hicks
Gus Hollberg
Mike Morris
Tommy Vaughan
Ryan Gordon
Christian DePaul
Sandra Weigand
Brian Weigand
Richard Mechalske
Sandra Mechalske
Michael Mechalske
Candy McAvoy
George Klacynski
teresa gillette
Joseph Arnold

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