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34 donations have been made to this participant. $100.00 Andy Warden $25.00 Janice & Calvin Massie $32.00 Anonymous $25.00 Allen Saunders $500.00 Randal Nixon $251.00 Christian DePaul $26.00 Andrew VanAtta $50.00 Ron Blackwood $1,000.00 David Garrard $100.00 Don Morgan $26.00 David Hafey $52.00 John Carrington $50.00 Richard Tolley $760.00 Wes May $26.00 Joyce Doss $50.00 Wanda Hicks $25.00 Brian Moore $250.00 Wes May $25.00 George Hicks $50.00 Gus Hollberg $30.00 Mike Morris $400.00 Tommy Vaughan $100.00 Ryan Gordon $100.00 Christian DePaul $100.00 Sandra Weigand $50.00 Brian Weigand $25.00 Richard Mechalske $25.00 Sandra Mechalske $30.00 Michael Mechalske $50.00 Candy McAvoy $100.00 George Klacynski $25.00 Anonymous $25.00 teresa gillette $25.00 Joseph Arnold
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