Let's Grow This Thing!
Brandon Leonard's Page
Brandon Leonard's Page
Goal: $1000
Goal: $1000
Raised by 8 donors
Raised by 8 donors

I am growing on behalf of CASA of Central Virginia - an amazing organization dedicated being a voice for children within the courts system of Central Virginia. CASA is Court Appointed Special Advocates for abused and/or neglected children. CASA supports children throughout Central Virginia; Lynchburg, Amherst, Nelson, Appomattox, Campbell, and Bedford. Children with a CASA representative are more likely to be placed within a safe home, have a higher success rate within school, and are less likely to return to foster care. Also, this is the only way I can get my wife to willingly agree to me having a mustache! Help me stay out of the dog-house but most importantly help CASA help the kids! The goal is $1,000... let's make it happen!

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Recent contributors

8 donations have been made to this participant.
Shirley & John Scott
Pamela Trent
Heather Brann
Caitlin Jack
Karen Sprouse
Casey Dewsnap
Vickie Carter

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