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148 donations have been made to this participant. $500.00 John Jennings $100.00 Anonymous $75.00 Derry Haywood II $50.00 Andrew Harmon $100.00 Brandon LaCroix $100.00 Edward Cassady $100.00 Edward Cassady $100.00 Annie and Chris Libbey $100.00 Cate Jackson $10.00 Michael Fetty $25.00 Ashley Dalton $100.00 Jayce Beck $518.00 Thomas Roach $20.00 Jonathan Rice $25.00 Anonymous $100.00 Anonymous $250.00 Robert Chapman $100.00 Phillip Greer $50.00 Kayla Craddock $50.00 Tim Duffee $200.00 Glenn Smith $50.00 Barry Lane $100.00 Colen LaPlamte $100.00 Tay and Nate Serreno $100.00 Gregg Graham $100.00 CARL GUPTON $100.00 Aaron Rygas $50.00 Anonymous $105.00 Anonymous $100.00 Jimmy Sheldon $500.00 Anonymous $50.00 Anonymous $50.00 Allen Layne $50.00 Anonymous $250.00 Carrington Crawford $20.00 Chad Rakos $100.00 Chris Lee $50.00 Roger Hart $150.00 Sidney Allen $150.00 Sidney Allen $50.00 Matthew Guise $250.00 Chris England $100.00 Kathleen Graves $400.00 Anonymous $25.00 Brooke Selden $100.00 Nick Baker $500.00 shane maley $100.00 Anonymous $500.00 Jason Crist $25.00 Anonymous $100.00 Laura & Tim Hamilton $100.00 Blair Brantley $250.00 Peter Doyle $100.00 Scott Moran $50.00 Chuck Bennett $100.00 Jeffrey Robins $100.00 Keyla Craven $100.00 Robert Wallace $200.00 Faber Jamerson $250.00 Sarah Kenning $100.00 Kristopher Covi $1,000.00 Anonymous $50.00 mark pretty $50.00 George Pickral $250.00 Robby Burton $25.00 The Lesniaks $100.00 Sherri Sackett $100.00 James McClain $50.00 Karla Cooper $500.00 Anonymous $50.00 Tiffany Kitchen $25.00 Dani Hottle $250.00 David Rao $6,000.00 Boswell Match $100.00 Carin Gregory $1,000.00 Donald Banker $100.00 Joseph Turner $100.00 Anonymous $250.00 Ed Marzano $100.00 Patrick Haddock $100.00 Dave Midkiff $100.00 Louise, Addison & Maggie Morgan $50.00 Tim Campbell $50.00 Norwood Morrison $50.00 Marshall Wood $50.00 Jack & Anne Flippin $100.00 Brian Wolanski $1,000.00 Chad Jones $1,000.00 Tripp Costen $250.00 Jason Gorman $25.00 Matt Elliott $100.00 Sherri Biehn-Miller $100.00 Walker Family $100.00 Meredith Lippert $200.00 Grace, Annie & Lily Joyner $200.00 Paul Seufer $100.00 Dan Bradway $50.00 BRANDON FARMER $100.00 Chet McPhatter $100.00 Peter Sackett $50.00 Bryan Rockhill $100.00 Kendall Enmark $250.00 Jesse & Heather Stephens $500.00 Stewart Langley $50.00 Kaitlin Martin $100.00 daniel Taylor $50.00 Gail Boswell $100.00 Jim Peery $500.00 Anonymous $50.00 Anonymous $500.00 George Zippel $500.00 Biggie Smalls $100.00 Andy Maddox $100.00 Anonymous $418.00 Anonymous $400.00 Central Technology Solutions $50.00 Mark Thackston $50.00 Shep Nowlin $100.00 John Stone $100.00 Brandon Grogan $100.00 Eli Brewer $100.00 Rob MacSwan $2,500.00 Ford Mays $4,000.00 Anonymous $100.00 MATTHEW WICKLINE $100.00 Mary Brantley and Byron Holmes $200.00 Randy Martin $100.00 Carter & Tom Jennings $100.00 Christian DePaul $50.00 Alan Williamson $50.00 Lydia Langley $100.00 Lynchburg Garage Door $75.00 Randolph Barr $99.00 Jesse Wade $500.00 Deborah and John Miller $100.00 Scott Halloran $25.00 Jeremy Storms $1,000.00 Gentry Locke $50.00 marshall tinsley $100.00 Parker Jennings $200.00 Daniel Thornton $100.00 Dianne Mowry $10.00 Drake Watts $100.00 Watt & Jen Foster $500.00 Jim Boatright $10.00 Brian Cossman $50.00 Kathy Kovac $100.00 Scott Wolf
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