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21 donations have been made to this participant. $100.00 Libby and Paul Fitzgerald $50.00 Patricia Garrett $87.00 Phillip Stephens $50.00 Leslie Roberts $50.00 Stephanie and Mark Cox $75.00 Anonymous $50.00 Anonymous $35.00 Howard Vidaver $100.00 Benny and Lisa Bennington $100.00 Ted Batt $200.00 Brooke Gray $50.00 Tyler Magann $50.00 Tara Crockarell $50.00 Hubbard Farr $25.00 Sandra Fuqua $25.00 Karyn Ellis $50.00 Rick & Robin Loving $25.00 Chad Helton $28.00 Dwan Taylor $100.00 Jackie Stephens $50.00 Stacy Garrett
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