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27 donations have been made to this participant. $50.00 Lori Schultze $15.00 Patrick Haley $25.00 Marianne and Bill Sanford $10.00 Geoffrey Kershner $100.00 Sarah Sojka $50.00 Sandra Slaek $100.00 Old Dominion Furniture Co. $50.00 Kate & Chuck Wall $20.00 DIna Gregory $100.00 kristine lloyd $50.00 Elaine Passman $25.00 Anonymous $25.00 Anonymous $10.00 Edward Anderson $100.00 Cheryl Davis $20.00 Dan Harrison $10.00 Jill Waugh $50.00 Phebe & Bill Wescott $100.00 Jennifer Sittason $50.00 Louise, Addison & Maggie Morgan $100.00 Sara Gilkey $50.00 Cheryl Lindeman $20.00 Javaun Moradi $10.00 David Perault $10.00 Drake Watts $100.00 Seth Twery $20.00 Sam Howe
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