Let's Grow This Thing!
Luther Maddy's Page
Luther Maddy's Page
Goal: $5000
Goal: $5000
$2,220.00 raised by 30 donors
$2,220.00 raised by 30 donors

Let's growww! Lynchburg is in need of your help and this one of many ways to uplift our community. I am specifally growing for the local youth in our area. I proudly serve on the Board of Directors at the Boys & Girls Club, YMCA of Central Virginia and Interfaith Outreach. I also contribute with the Lynchburg Area Youth Sports Initiative (LAYSI) Committee. Thank you for your donation! I am hoping to raise $5,000. 

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Recent contributors

30 donations have been made to this participant.
Jamie Wright
Joyce Pieleck
Alisha Childress
Gloria Witt
Robert Phillips
Art Costan
Catherine Hayes
Michael Cherry
Elyse Schussmann
Connie Bryant
Arlene Ray
Nia Martin
Altha Grove Baptist Church
Sarah Phelps
Luis & Maria Patrocinio
David Royer
Trevor Gillispie
Luther Maddy
Dennis Carter
Shyrone stith Stith
Demita Taylor
Lindsay & Nick Etemadipour
Jackie Cawley
Charley Wiles
lynita spain
Chelsea Dews
Mark Jamison
Andy Newman
Chelsea Maddy

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