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30 donations have been made to this participant. $50.00 Ronald Hood $100.00 jordan willard $100.00 jordan willard $250.00 Thomas and Clarkie Eppes $50.00 russell davidson $50.00 Paul McWane $100.00 Mark Arthur $50.00 crash craddock $100.00 Dickie and Robin Burge $195.15 Wines for Humanity $30.00 John Cook $50.00 Kamal Chantal $100.00 R Drake Covey $50.00 Jack & Anne Flippin $105.00 Stephen Washburn $25.00 Anonymous $50.00 Landon Colling $100.00 Van Fry $20.00 Catherine Brown $50.00 Joseph Bailey $50.00 Leif Aagaard $25.00 Trai Harris $50.00 Kent Van Allen $50.00 Sarah Webb $100.00 Becky Hawkins $75.00 Norman Darden $100.00 Grant Clements $50.00 Paul Salierno $50.00 Robin Caughey $100.00 Jose Silva
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