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48 donations have been made to this participant. $100.00 Ronn & Beth Garry $50.00 Suzy Tryall $25.00 Ivy Holton $25.00 Allen Layne $50.00 Sonya Holland $200.00 Angela Campbell $100.00 Laura and (the other) Tim Hamiton $50.00 Erica Fore $525.00 James Leonard $50.00 Scott D Rankins $50.00 Carin Zats $100.00 Bill Roseveare $100.00 Skylar Hansen $25.00 Michael McDonald $30.00 Dani Hottle $50.00 Jeryl & Sondra Rowe $25.00 Lisa Jones $20.00 Martha Clark $100.00 Rodney Bell $100.00 John Bratsakis $20.00 Joe Stone $25.00 Lisa Geier $20.00 Thomas Powers $50.00 Jenny Simpson $25.00 The Schnees $40.00 Melva Shelor $100.00 The Miles Family $20.00 Melissa Waugh $25.00 Carolyn Campbell $300.00 Anonymous $100.00 Patricia Cushman $75.00 Marshall Wood $50.00 Melissa Farley $50.00 Matt Thompson $100.00 Mark Arthur $100.00 Melody and James LaPrade $100.00 Stacy Powell $25.00 Renee Draney $100.00 Laurel Feinman $150.00 Joanna Thomas $50.00 Karen Ullmann $50.00 Gwenn Cheatwood $50.00 Debbie asbury $25.00 Libby Gatzke $50.00 Belle and Chad Evans $50.00 Boodie Mandler $25.00 Libi Orman $100.00 Pamela Minkler
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