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37 donations have been made to this participant. $25.00 Lauren Anderson $100.00 ashlie dummeldinger $10.00 Katie Parr $20.00 Amanda Galvin $25.00 Dustin Ward $25.00 Jennifer Collins $100.00 Greer Hubbard $25.00 Beth Whitaker $20.00 Chris Morrow $50.00 Andrea Mastry $100.00 Ron Patrick $100.00 Austin Harper $25.00 Kara Hershorin $50.00 Kent White $50.00 Julie Flint $50.00 Gary Harvey $15.00 Garbield Howitzer $100.00 Nick and Nae Morrow $50.00 Maggie Flynn $100.00 Kyle Bocinsky $50.00 Jes Grant $100.00 Meve Starsh $100.00 Kendra Yerrington $100.00 Nicole Johnson $50.00 Emily Dhondt Beatty $50.00 Faith Sincich $100.00 Mark Dummeldinger $20.00 Anonymous $25.00 Anonymous $10.00 Eloise From Purple House $200.00 Zachary Foster $20.00 Cathie Brown $25.00 Susan Zajac $100.00 Nicole Morrow $50.00 Jane and Tom Gerdy $10.00 Drake Watts $100.00 Anonymous
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