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35 donations have been made to this participant. $100.00 Mike Forren $250.00 Edward Turner $100.00 Ben Berry $101.00 Anonymous $100.00 Cynthia & Marc Stone $100.00 Doyle Allen $100.00 Patrick Nash $250.00 jordan willard $5,000.00 Anonymous $500.00 Anonymous $250.00 Matt Fatiss $100.00 Rick &Julia Manley $750.00 Chris Mabry (Wil's Godfather) $500.00 George McDaniel $500.00 william bryant $200.00 Ashley Bryant $150.00 Tanya Hand $100.00 Watt & Jen Foster $25.00 Doug Leech $100.00 George McDaniel $150.00 Anonymous $150.00 Michael Serro $300.00 Cindy Bryant $200.00 Dwight Counts $500.00 Jennifer Richardson $500.00 Jennifer Richardson $50.00 Cole Richardson $25.00 Lyons Davidson $100.00 Mitch & Tracey Stone $100.00 Greg Lester $1,000.00 Tami Harvey $100.00 Kirk Hicks $100.00 K- FO $1,000.00 William Bryant $25.00 Mark Morrison
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